Reedley Hallows Nursery School was last inspected in 2023 and remains outstanding. Here are some of the comments the inspectors made about our wonderful school:
- "Reedley Hallows is a nursery school where all children are noticed and ably supported by staff."
- "Children feel that they belong here; that their needs, interests and ideas matter to each adult."
- "Children find much to fascinate them and to engage them in learning at the nursery. They also relish the freedom to explore the large, well-developed outdoor area, supported by the kind, expert staff."
- "Children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are happy and achieve well. This is because leaders and staff have high expectations for children’s learning."
- "Children quickly learn to talk and communicate."
- "Leaders have established clear and ambitious aims for their curriculum."
- "Children, including two-year-olds, arrive at school each day keen to join their classes. They want to learn with staff and with their many friends."
- "Staff use their first-rate expertise in talk, questioning and gesture to support and extend children’s learning successfully."
Please follow the links below to read our Ofsted reports from 2023, 2017 and 2013: